
We make sure to design the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality into each of our themes. Your visitors will always encounter a visually-appealing and simple-to-use website.


Choose over 12+ custom widgets and make your website in minutes. MentalPress has it all, including contact widgets, personal profiles, and blog-post widgets.

Page Builder

Page Builder provides highly-intuitive grid-based customization. Whether you’re editing the home page, an about-us page, or a contact page, you can easily edit content and layout with the intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Page Builder in action

Live Customizer

The Live Customizer is for rapid color, layout and widget changes. You can see your changes on the website as you make them.

One-Click Demo Import

Import our demo content onto your website with the click of a button. Sometimes it helps to rebuild downwards from something rather than upwards from nothing.


Includes everything you need to create a fully-functional, user-friendly website.
We also tested MentalPress with popular plugins such as Revolution Slider, Layer Slider 5 and WPML.


A simple drag and drop interface so you’ll never need to touch a line of code.



The most customizable eCommerce widget for building your online business.



Compatible but not bundled




High Quality Code

We place great importance on both compatibility and code quality, as well as the aesthetic appeal of the theme. Substance is no less important than style. Further, we devote special attention to ensuring your search ranking is what it should be.

MentalPress with the PHP code behind it


We make security and feature updates regularly. Sleep easy. There’s no need to worry about website vulnerabilities.


Our expert support team is super responsive. From simple to complex issues — no matter your level of WordPress expertise — we are always here to help.

More Features

Some of these features may be obvious to more seasoned theme users. But for the sake of first-time theme buyers, they are definitely worth mentioning:


Unlimited Colors

Endless customization with unlimited color options.


Various Page Layouts

Mix-and-match from a selection of pre-made layouts.


Custom Widgets

Powerful widgets that add new functionality to your site.


634+ Icons

Font icons included for simple and clear navigation of your website.


Responsive and Retina Ready

Responsive and able to display on all devices and resolutions.



Every element of this theme has been pre-translated into 3 languages.


SEO Optimized

Designed with SEO ready structure. Google will love your site.


RTL Ready

We support languages written in a Right-To-Left direction.


Secure Code

We regularly make safety updates and all of our code exceeds WordPress standards.


Video Tutorial

To guide you through the installation and demo import process.

Great theme to work with for any type of business

Paula Easton

Very smooth installation and modification Love it A template has never made me laugh before


Version 1.12.12 (October 28, 2024)

improved Make fa-twitter an 𝕏 icon

Version 1.11.12 (October 15, 2024)

improved More robust against false theme_update transients

Version 1.11.11 (September 19, 2024)

improved updated Bootstrap to 3.4.1

Version 1.11.10 (September 1, 2024)

improved WPML compatibility for Proteus Widgets

Version 1.11.9 (April 13, 2024)

improved PHP 8 compatibility

Version 1.11.8 (October 14, 2022)

improved PHP 8 compatibility

Version 1.11.7 (October 13, 2022)

fixed error messages when installing required plugins

improved page layouts when sidebar is removed

improved PHP 8 compatibility

Version 1.11.4 (February 15, 2019)

improved removed Sidekick plugin integration and TGM plugin recommendation

Version 1.11.3 (October 16, 2018)

fixed conflict with bundled ACF from bower (now using official free ACF plugin)

Version 1.11.2 (October 11, 2018)

fixed get ACF plugin from repository for TGMPA

Version 1.11.1 (October 3, 2018)

improved update ACF: Repeater fields plugin to v2 as the bundled plugin

Version 1.11.0 (May 31, 2018)

added WPML compatibility for Featured page widgets on page duplication

improved recommended slider image dimensions included as the inline documentation

improved theme updates "unauthorized" error caught early and explained in an admin notice

fixed theme slider content

fixed add missing cookie consent checkbox for WordPress comments

fixed icon box title and text escape special characters (ProteusWidgets plugin)

fixed assign WooCommerce pages after OCDI import, if WooCommerce is active

Version 1.10.0 (February 13, 2018)

improved automatic theme updates

improved OCDI after import removed retina logo

Version 1.9.3 (October 18, 2017)

fixed license dates for theme registration

Version 1.9.2 (August 28, 2017)

improved Theme registration and updates

Version 1.9.1 (July 11, 2017)

fixed layer slider overlapping the sub-menus

fixed customizer color for tagcloud on WooCommerce pages

fixed WooCommerce 3.0 gallery support

fixed broken HTML output from Page Builder due to missing the_post() function calls on custom page templates

Version 1.9.0 (June 14, 2017)

added theme registration and automatic updates

added minimal PHP version notice

improved security of the customizer frontend CSS output

fixed featured page widget displaying HTML code

Version 1.8.0 (January 14, 2017)

added theme custom CSS code migration to the native "Additional CSS" field, introduced in WP 4.7

Version 1.7.3 (September 7, 2016)

improved HTML code allowed in Slide Title field (ACF).

improved Added filter to remove future SiteOrigin ads

fixed Contact Form 7 number and date fields not styled

Version 1.7.2 (June 30, 2016)

added Added back to the top button next to navigation title.

improved now using One Click Demo Import plugin

improved added a ProteusThemes widgets tab in Page Builder.

fixed header color for icon box widgets (title and subtitle)

fixed ProteusWidgets plugin update (renamed German translation files, because they were named incorrectly)

fixed PT icon substitution functions updated in PW widgets.

fixed google maps API errors. API key field added in the customizer.

Version 1.7.1 (March 16, 2016)

fixed top bar dropdown menus bug

Version 1.7.0 (March 15, 2016)

added customizer setting for icon-box icons in header

added new Modernizr build

fixed when Ecwid is active it overrides fonts in icon box widgets

fixed background behind top bar - increased if there is too much content

fixed top bar dropdown menus not opening in iOS (iPhone, iPad)

fixed overlapping elements on small screens

Version 1.6.1 (February 14, 2016)

improved Sidekick as recommended plugin

fixed bug in WooCommerce for 768px screens

Version 1.6.0 (February 9, 2016)

added SIDEKICK integration

improved removed automatic updates and added Envato Market plugin as recommended plugins

improved ensured 100% compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5

Version 1.5.0 (January 6, 2016)

added Ecwid e-commerce now fully supported

added translation to German (by Stefan Schulte:

fixed Slider image problem with whole image link

fixed Latest posts issue with WPML (same post in multiple languages)

fixed footer colors in customizer

Version 1.4.0 (November 16, 2015)

added Support for

added setting in customizer to show/hide ACF

fixed "Write a Comment" was still showing even if the comments were disabled.

fixed Comments are now full width when there are no published comments.

fixed padding for the header if we have only menu there.

fixed padding in product table in the WooCommerce Cart page and the mobile product layout on mobile in the shop page.

Version 1.3.1 (September 25, 2015)

fixed required and recommended plugins with TGMPA

Version 1.3.0 (September 21, 2015)

added New customizer control to disable / remove top BG

fixed Main navigation sub menu background color for active link is not working.

fixed Border color for sub-menu on main navigation wont change color in customizer.

fixed Mobile navbar-toggle class won't change color in customizer

Version 1.2.1 (July 16, 2015)

added See list of changes in version v1.2.1:

Version 1.2.0 (July 1, 2015)

added Child theme added to extras folder in All files & documentation

added frontend translation to Dutch (by Pixel Supply)

improved new XML file

Version 1.1.1 (May 2, 2015)

fixed PHP error with bundled plugin ProteusWidgets

Version 1.1.0 (April 29, 2015)

added better style of the footer layout settings in the customizer

added Option for Custom Menu widget in Header widget are

added new Widgets demo content import file

added charset option in Customizer and new method of enqueueing google fonts

added new attribute css for the shortcode [button]

improved new exported demo content

improved header widgets CSS and fallback when browser doesn't support flexbox

improved new version of ProteusWidgets (1.0.6)

fixed slider is now rotating slides in correct direction

fixed added Skype protocol to all allowed protocols (in ProteusWidgets)

fixed new version of TGM (2.4.2) - security vulnerability

Version 1.0.1 (March 12, 2015)

fixed latest posts hover color for categories

fixed new demo content export

fixed blank admin error with ProteusWidgets

Version 1.0.0 (March 6, 2015)

added first release

Boswell Dermatology — (

Anna Flavia Fonseca — (

Gulsah Pinaroglu — (

Psicologo Guidonia — (

Heligen Geist Apotheke — (

Nadia Massayd(

Medicers — (


Ergotherapie Mwl — (