
We make sure to design the perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality into each of our themes. Your visitors will always encounter a visually-appealing and simple-to-use website.

Shaka displayed full-screen on a laptop

Our themes are all responsive and usable on every screen size, from mobile to desktop.

Shaka displayed in a smartphone browser


Choose over 20+ custom widgets and make your website in minutes. Shaka has it all, including weather widgets, personal profiles, video sliders, pricing tables, and detailed event widgets.

Various widgets that can be used with Shaka.

Page Builder

Page Builder provides highly-intuitive grid-based customization. Whether you’re editing the home page, an about-us page, or a contact page, you can easily edit content and layout with the intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

An animation of moving blocks around in Page Builder

Live Customizer

The Live Customizer is for rapid color, layout and widget changes. You can see your changes on the website in real time.

The customizer sidebar in action.

One-Click Demo Import

Import our demo content onto your website with the click of a button. Sometimes it helps to rebuild downwards from something rather than upwards from nothing.

The Shaka theme, both plain and with demo content in it.


Includes everything you need to create a fully-functional, user-friendly website.
We also tested Shaka with popular plugins such as Revolution Slider, Layer Slider 5 and WPML.


A simple drag and drop interface so you'll never need to touch a line of code.




The most customizable eCommerce widget for building your online business.



Compatible but not bundled




High Quality Code

We place great importance on both compatibility and code quality, as well as the aesthetic appeal of the theme. Substance is no less important than style. Further, we devote special attention to ensuring your search ranking is what it should be.

The Shaka theme with the underlying PHP code displayed underneath


We make safety and feature updates regularly. Sleep easy. There’s no need to worry about the vulnerability of your website.


Our expert support team is super responsive. From simple to complex issues — no matter your level of WordPress expertise — we are always here to help.

More Features

Some of these features may be obvious to more seasoned theme users, but for first-time buyers, they are definitely worth mentioning:

Unlimited Colors

Endless customization with unlimited color options.

Various Page Layouts

Mix and match from a selection of pre-made layouts.

Custom Widgets

Powerful widgets that add new functionality to your site.

634+ Icons

Font icons included for simple and clear navigation of your website.

Responsive and Retina Ready

Responsive and able to display on all devices and resolutions.


Every element of this theme has been pre-translated into 14 languages.

SEO Optimized

Designed with an SEO-ready structure. Google will love your site.

Secure Code

We regularly make safety updates and all of our code exceeds WordPress standards.

Video Tutorial

A guide for the installation and demo import process.

Version 2.0.0 (October 16, 2024)

improved Updated Bootstrap to 4.6.2

Class attribute value changes we made that you might have to do also:

  • Change pull-left and pull-right to float-left and float-right
  • Change col-xs-12 to col-12
  • Change col-{md,lg}-push-3 to order-{md,lg}-2 (and similar for other col-to-order changes)
  • Change hidden-lg-up to d-lg-none
  • Change navbar-toggleable-md to navbar-expand-md d-lg-block
  • Change push-lg-3 to order-lg-last
  • Change pull-lg-9 to order-lg-first
  • Change hidden-md-down to d-none d-lg-block

Sass variables that changed:

  • $brand-primary is now $primary
  • $brand-warning is now $warning
  • $brand-danger is now $danger
  • $brand-success is now $success
  • $gray-dark is now $dark
  • $gray-lighter is now $lighter
  • $font-family-sans-serif is now $font-family-base
  • $font-size-h[123456] are now $h[123456]-font-size

Version 1.15.0 (October 15, 2024)

improved More robust against false theme_update transients

improved fa-twitter now uses the 𝕏 logo

Version 1.14.6 (August 29, 2024)

improved WPML compatibility for Proteus Widgets

Version 1.14.5 (October 2, 2023)

fixed main menu visibility in mobile

fixed extraneous HTML displayed on category and tag pages

fixed Instagram feed by using Smash Ballon Social Photo Feed

Version 1.14.4 (September 19, 2022)

improved PHP 8 compatibility

Version 1.14.3 (May 13, 2022)

fixed error messages when installing required plugins

improved customizer updates for improved PHP compatibility

Version 1.14.2 (July 17, 2020)

added a new weather API service implemented. Instead of Dark Sky API now the Weather widget is using API

Version 1.13.0 (February 26, 2019)

added option for contain or cover background size on page headers

improved remove link to sourcemap in style.scss

Version 1.12.0 (October 3, 2018)

improved recommended slider image dimensions included as the inline documentation

improved unlimited list of products dropdown menu when CTA button set to link with WooCommerce Products in Special offer widget

improved added edit page link to Featured page widget

improved theme updates "unauthorized" error caught early and explained in an admin notice

improved update ACF: Repeater fields plugin to 2.0 as the bundled plugin

fixed wrong weather widget exclude parameter

fixed custom wp_kses changed to wp_kses_post in footer.php

fixed portfolio page non-page builder content not being displayed

fixed FontAwesome icon URL

fixed inactive sticky menu displayed on top of page content

fixed rarely broken masonry layout on the blog index page

fixed removing repeater field in PT widgets didn't trigger the widget save button

fixed add missing cookie consent checkbox for WordPress comments

fixed assign WooCommerce pages after OCDI import, if WooCommerce is active

Version 1.11.0 (February 13, 2018)

added sticky menu now has a visibility setting

improved automatic theme updates

improved add support for WooCommerce 3.0 zoom

improved OCDI after import removed retina logo

fixed slider spacing

fixed person profile spacing

fixed URL hash in portfolio grid widget, if the "all" label is not set

fixed image banner widget for smaller images on mobile

Version 1.10.1 (October 18, 2017)

fixed license dates for theme registration

Version 1.10.0 (August 31, 2017)

improved change the minimal PHP version to 5.4

improved WPML compatibility for featured page/product widgets upon page translation duplication

improved theme registration and updates

fixed WooCommerce 3.0 gallery support

fixed Testimonial title spacings for mobile

fixed Slider light buttons on mobile

fixed load youtube API for slider only, if in use

fixed featured page CTA button when non page option is selected

fixed page header area settings on single portfolio page

fixed WooCommerce Chrome issue

fixed theme slider stops working on vimeo video slide

Version 1.9.0 (June 13, 2017)

added Current weather option for the weather widget

fixed PHP notice for menu_id in WPML plugin

fixed WooCommerce shortcodes style

fixed WooCommerce 3.0 deprecation notices

fixed Portfolio grid widget, if numbers are used for categories

fixed Testimonial title style on mobile

fixed Featured page image style

fixed Sizes attributes

fixed HTML output for theme slider title

Version 1.8.0 (March 29, 2017)

added Slovenian translation po/mo files

fixed license expiration emails being sent

Version 1.7.0 (March 20, 2017)

added new theme registration and automatic updates

removed old EDD theme updater

improved styling for sale price in Featured Product widget.

improved security of the customizer frontend CSS output

fixed masonry blog layout overlapping issue

fixed portfolio grid showing filter, when no categories are defined and no 'all items label' is set

Version 1.6.0 (February 2, 2017)

added add captions in the single project gallery

improved updated Plates PHP templates version to 3.3.0

improved update Font Awesome version

fixed WPML language switcher style

Version 1.5.0 (December 5, 2016)

added theme custom CSS code migration to the native "Additional CSS" field, introduced in WP 4.7

improved stop video from playing when slider goes to the next slide

fixed jumping weather wind icon

fixed lazy loading single image of person profile widget

fixed playing vimeo video does not pause the slider

fixed Featured page widget excerpt not showing

fixed Fix counter widget animation for high numbers

fixed Vertical dotted lines in older browsers

fixed Demo import now sets correct default portfolio and shop breadcrumbs settings

fixed Possible to use language switcher widget without WPML activated

fixed weather widget attribution and root endpoint change

fixed instagram widget multiple accounts issue

fixed white box showing on mobile slider, if no captions are defined

fixed Search form structure and bug in Safari

fixed Transition glitches for Instagram widget

fixed portfolio_category taxonomy display

fixed sticky menu IE issues with scroll direction = 0

fixed weather widget PHP 5.3 support ( PHP anonymous function fix )

Version 1.4.0 (September 7, 2016)

added style WPML language switcher

improved better error messages in Weather Widget

Version 1.3.0 (August 18, 2016)

added Weather widget

added Custom Sidebars by ProteusThemes is now the default recommended plugin (Custom Sidebars plugin was removed from TGMPA).

improved Added filter to remove future SiteOrigin ads

fixed Basic support for older browsers which doesn't support flexbox.

fixed main menu dropdown on touch screens

fixed Text is now centred when there is no logo.

fixed WPML compatibility with the Featured page button

fixed Instagram loader icon and style.

Version 1.2.1 (July 27, 2016)

improved up-to-date pt-shortcodes filters

improved Featherlight gallery on images in events / portfolio

fixed z-index for header container.

fixed added funky boxes to WooCommerce product categories sidebar widget

fixed added CSS prefixes for the older Safari browsers (Safari 8+)

Version 1.2.0 (July 21, 2016)

added sticky menu as an option

improved Instagram widget improvements (removed user_id field, cache the instagram API response for 30 minutes).

improved Change the resolution of instagram images from 612px to 320px

fixed background color for special offer content.

fixed Portfolio grid widget can now be used without the 'All Projects' navigation button.

fixed Portfolio grid filter button if there is no title.

Version 1.1.0 (July 8, 2016)

added translation to Italian

added translation to Dutch

added translation to Danish

added translation to Swedish

added translation to Spanish

added translation to Russian

added translation to German

added translation to Czech

added translation to Polish

added translation to French

added translation to Turkish

added translation to Portuguese

improved implemented selective refresh in customizer for all the theme colors

improved dynamic CSS in header for color: disabling WooCommerce related selectors

fixed minified CSS bug

fixed blog layout masonry issues

fixed fatal error if the product is not found (Featured Product Widget)

Version 1.0.0 (July 5, 2016)

added first release

Big Blue Center — (

Wild Adventure Spain — (

La Rando(

Kite People(

Dive the Big 5(

Creativity Surfing Kalpitiya(


Big Bule(

Afran Valley Bike Shed(

Es Nautica(

AST Adventures(

Fil Surf(