How to add a horizontal menu in MentalPress

If you don’t like the vertical menu in MentalPress, you can easily change it to a horizontal menu.

On /wp-admin/, from the menu on the left, go to AppearanceMenus. In the Edit Menus tab, in the Select a menu to edit drop-down, choose Main menu Then click on Select.

Scroll down to Menu Settings. To the right of Theme Locations, uncheck Main Menu.

Click on Save Menu.

MentalPress Menu

Now go to AppearanceWidgetsHeader. Remove widgets that are currently in your header section and drag-and-drop Custom Menu. In Select Menu, choose Main Menu.

MentalPress Widgets

Now you should have a horizontal menu. Please note that this will impact your mobile menu, which won’t be toggled. This is how it will look on mobile:

MentalPress Mobile