How do I know if my license is still active or has expired?

For ProteusClub or single theme licenses you will be able to check if your license is still active in the ProteusThemes Customer dashboard.

For ProteusClub

All licenses in the ProteusClub are active for the same amount of time. If you have an active license you’ll find a badge which will state for how many days the ProteusClub and all related licenses are still active for:

If your ProteusClub license key has expired, the text in the badge will say “EXPIRED”. If you didn’t cancel your ProteusClub subscription, the license will automatically renew every year.

For Single theme licenses

For single theme licenses (bought in our shop and on ThemeForest) you will find a badge for how long it’s still active for (or EXPIRED if it has expired) next to the name of the single theme license: