How to resolve ACF update issues

Advanced Custom Fields plugin or ACF for short had a big update recently, so it might cause some issues for our older themes. If you updated our theme, or you updated the ACF plugin, then you might experience these issues. If you updated both (the theme as well as the ACF plugins), then you did everything correctly.

First: If you are using the following themes: BuildPress, MentalPress, CargoPress, RepairPress, StructurePress, Auto or Beauty, please make sure your theme is on the latest version, since we added a few things for the latest version of ACF to work smoothly.

Second: Please check if these plugins are installed and active: Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields: Repeater Field.

  • If they are not listed in the Plugins section of your wp-admin dashboard, please go to Appearance -> Install Plugins and install these two plugins.
  • If the plugins are listed, but they have updates available, please follow these update instructions.

A note for the Advanced Custom Fields: Repeater Field update:
Go to wp-admin -> Plugins. Find plugin “Advanced Custom Fields: Repeater Field” and click on the “Update” next to it. If there is no update notice wait a few seconds or refresh the page. If it won’t show up in a few seconds, then you have to manually update the plugin:

  1. download the latest version of the theme (zip file of the theme)
  2. unzip the theme zip file and go to “bundled-plugins” folder. You will find the ACF: repeater fields zip file there
  3. Delete the “Advanced Custom Fields: Repeater Field” plugin in wp-admin -> Plugins
  4. Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload and install the plugin from the zip file in the “bundled-plugins” folder

Once the theme is updated, the ACF plugins are up to date and active, your WP site should work OK again: Slider and other ACF powered items of the theme will work.