I have a problem activating a theme. What should I do?

A license key usually cannot be activated because of one of two reasons: the server is mis-configured or if the license key has expired.

License has expired

We do not allow theme/license activations for expired licenses as explained on the pricing page FAQ.

Server configuration

Theme activation errors are usually related either to the server configuration (the server where you’ve installed the theme cannot send a request to activate the theme to our server).

Some hosting providers block all connections to remote servers (for security precautions). You might get errors like cURL error 7.

It’s best to ask your hosting provider to either temporarily disable this filter when you’re registering the theme or you can whitelist the IPs on this list from CloudFlare. We use CloudFlare as our CDN of choice in front of our server so when your server is trying to connect to ours to verify the purchase, it will connect to any of the IPs from their network.

If you are unable to resolve the problem, please open a new private ticket and we will help you.